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Zero-Contamination High-Pressure Extrusion ofCeramic Bodies for Manufacturing Batteries –a Contribution to the Energy Transition

The development and manufacture of high-performance batteries for storing electric energy for stationaryand mobile applications are some of the most important preconditions for achieving the goals of theenergy transition. Herein, the authors report on a research and development project conducted in cooperationbetween the Fraunhofer-Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems (IKTS) and ECT-KEMA onthe manufacture of … Weiterlesen …

Measuring the Plasticity of Ceramic Bodies – Part 1

”Plasticity is like honesty. It is hard to define, but it is associated with certain properties.” Scott Blair “Formability refers to the property of a solid substance (solid as opposed to liquid) to react to external forces by changing its shape, without the cohesion of the elementary particles being lost. Especially for the process of … Weiterlesen …