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Binder Jetting in Series Manufacturing of Powder Metallurgy Components

GKN Powder Metallurgy is a leading international technology company with more than 5000 employees at 27 production locations in nine countries. GKN PM is divided into the divisions GKN Hoeganaes (yearly production of around 250 000 t metal powder), GKN Sinter Metals (world market leader with around 10 million sintered parts/day) along with the most … Weiterlesen …

Material Extrusion-Based Additive Manufacturing for Ceramics Using Thermoplastic Feedstocks

Additive Manufacturing (AM) has been accepted by industry for shaping ceramics with complex structuresor structures where a significant amount of material has to be removed by commercial subtractionmanufacturing processes. Nowadays, AM can also be used for the fabrication of parts with multi ceramicmaterials. Material Extrusion-Based AM (MEX-AM) represents a group of shaping methods where a … Weiterlesen …

Metal-Ceramic Composite Materials – Powder Technological Processing and Material Properties

The combination of ceramic and metallic properties addresses applications with a special demand on the materials. As ceramics usually exhibit properties like hardness and temperature resistance, whereas metals show electrical conductivity and plastic deformation, a material with combined properties would exhibit an extended property profile [1, 2]. This basic approach is not new, Metal Matrix … Weiterlesen …