Home » Technologies & Materials » Firing » Clean and Green: Challenges and Opportunities forIndustrial Kiln Construction in a Post-COVID Era

Clean and Green: Challenges and Opportunities forIndustrial Kiln Construction in a Post-COVID Era

Despite COVID-related restrictions, Riedhammer/DE – together with the entire SACMI Group/IT – has
proven itself fully capable of meeting customer needs thanks to a far-reaching network with decentralised
supply chains, flexible production, virtual maintenance tools and a skilled international workforce.
For the calcination of Li-Ion-Battery (LiB) powder, a single contract can often involve 50 or more production
lines. Such high-volume orders require extensive experience, pre-engineering and testing. Detailed
designs need to be in place at the time of project negotiation. Customers are striving to replace fossil
fuels with cleaner energy sources while standards are becoming ever-stricter and thermal processes more
complex. In response to all these demands, Riedhammer offers multiple sustainable heating concepts. An
outstanding example of the company’s kiln technology – developed for the needs of tomorrow – is the
ELK (Extra Large Kiln), designed to meet demand for ultra-high production capacities in the LiB sector. One
ELK provides the throughput of 4–8 modern RHKs (Roller Hearth Kilns) while matching or even surpassing
RHK performance parameters.

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