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Low-Temperature Fabrication of Ceramics by the Cold Sintering Process

Sintering transforms a shaped powder compact into a dense solid by applying high temperatures, typically >1000 °C. It is a vital step in the fabrication of ceramics, which dictates the microstructure, and hence, the final structural and functional properties of the sintered parts. However, the application of high temperatures poses several challenges for ceramic manufacturing … Weiterlesen …

Green Hydrogen – Thermal Process Solutions for the Fuel Cell Industry

The fuel cell is seen as the efficiency technology of the future, yet the idea behind it is more than 180 years old. Hydrogen and oxygen generate electricity and heat. The fuel cell converts the energy contained in the water molecules into electricity which can then be used as a drive fuel for transportation or … Weiterlesen …

Clean and Green: Challenges and Opportunities forIndustrial Kiln Construction in a Post-COVID Era

Despite COVID-related restrictions, Riedhammer/DE – together with the entire SACMI Group/IT – hasproven itself fully capable of meeting customer needs thanks to a far-reaching network with decentralisedsupply chains, flexible production, virtual maintenance tools and a skilled international workforce.For the calcination of Li-Ion-Battery (LiB) powder, a single contract can often involve 50 or more productionlines. Such … Weiterlesen …

High Temperature Ceramics for Light-Weight Kiln Furniture

Alumina- and mullite-based materials for kiln furniture application of up to 1700 °C have been successfully developed. The materials show significantly improved thermomechanical properties in comparison to commercial benchmark products permitting the design of kiln furniture with reduced mass. This leads to significant energy savings in high temperature processes. It is demonstrated that the achieved … Weiterlesen …