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Green Hydrogen – Thermal Process Solutions for the Fuel Cell Industry

The fuel cell is seen as the efficiency technology of the future, yet the idea behind it is more than 180 years old. Hydrogen and oxygen generate electricity and heat. The fuel cell converts the energy contained in the water molecules into electricity which can then be used as a drive fuel for transportation or … Weiterlesen …

Comprehensive Range of High-Temperature Industrial Chamber Furnaces for Heat Treatment of Technical Ceramics

Carbolite Gero/DE is a specialist in high-temperature heat treatment technology. It offers a broad product portfolio for use in the range 30–3000 °C. Heat treatment using Carbolite Gero furnaces can be carried out under air, vacuum, partial pressure or overpressure. Inert gases, such as nitrogen and argon as well as reactive gases, such as oxygen … Weiterlesen …

New Efficiencies Gained through Isostatic Pressing of Powders

A steadily increasing number of structural components are being produced from metal and ceramic powders. Advantages compared to forged, cast and machined products have traditionally included lighter weight and greater durability in high-stress applications. Advances in powder formulation and part production methods have lowered costs, creating a wide range of new applications and manufacturing efficiencies. … Weiterlesen …

Microstructural and Electrical Characteristics of Sintered Aluminous Porcelain Insulators

In the present investigation, changes in the microstructural and electrical behaviour of aluminous porcelain insulator bodies with variation of the Al2O3 : SiO2 mole ratio from 0,15–0,70 due to substituting quartz by technical alumina into the parent porcelain composition has been studied during sintering at 1260 °C for 4 h. The profound improvement of the … Weiterlesen …