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IBU-tec on Course for Dynamic Growth

IBU-tec advanced materials AG is a highly specialized, development and production service provider in the thermal processing sector for the treatment of inorganic powders and granulates in rotary kilns and pulsation reactors. With its roots in ZAB Dessau (Zementanlagenbau – Cement Plant Construction, Dessau/DE) the Weimar/DE company had but 20 employees at the time of its purchase by CEO Ulrich Weitz in 2001. Prior to the German Reunification of 1990, the company operated as an Institute for Building and Environmental Technology. It was during this time that the first rotary kilns and pulsation reactors came online in Weimar. Today, IBU-tec tackles global megatrends, such as Green Mobility (e-mobility and automotive catalysts), Green Economy (e.g. CO2 reduced construction materials, rare earths, stationary energy storage) and high-performance ceramics (e.g. dental ceramics). At present, the company has just under 250 employees in multiple locations, and was successfully listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange’s Scale sector in March 2017. Ulrich Weitz (UW), CEO, explained his growth strategy to us.

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