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The entire spectrum of the ceramics industry at ceramitec 2024

After the official registration deadline passed in mid-September, the initial phase of planning for ceramitec is now underway. The renowned international trade fair for the ceramics industry is poised to surpass the previous event’s attendance. Despite this, interested companies still have the chance to register. The upcoming ceramitec takes place from 9–12 April 2024, at the exhibition grounds in Munich/DE.

A notable resurgence in re-registrations comes from the heavy clay ceramics sector, which was subdued in 2022. Impressive participation is seen from well-established companies like Tecnofiliere, Bongioanni, Händle, Refratechnik, Rieter, Equipceramic, VHV, Ceramica do Liz, and Talleres Felipe Verdes. Munich will also welcome back numerous companies from various sectors, including a renewed presence from China and registrations from industry giants like Kobayashi Industry Co. Ltd, Röders GmbH, and D3-AM.

Joint stands continue to be a strong feature, with France and China planning national participation. Additionally, there will be a joint stand for young innovative German companies in Hall A6, supported by funding from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). Registration for this joint stand is open until 31 January 2024.

The nomenclature has been expanded to include the newly created special show “Smart Materials & Energy Hub” in Hall A6. This show, organized in conjunction with the new segments “Energy Solutions“, „Advanced Materials“, and “Composites,” marks their debut at ceramitec 2024.

For those interested, the online exhibitor directory provides a continuously updated overview of all registered companies.

Further information can be found on our website: 


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