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Eisenmann Acquires Carbonization Specialist Ruhstrat

Eisenmann AG acquired Ruhstrat GmbH, headquartered in Bovenden-Lenglern.

Ruhstrat’s core competencies include development and construction of industrial carbonization furnaces. Plant engineering specialist Eisenmann’s portfolio already includes oxidation ovens and exhaust air treatment systems for carbon fiber production – the deal means the company can now offer turnkey solutions for this industry. Eisenmann, based in Böblingen near Stuttgart, aims to become a global technology and market leader for carbon fiber production plant. Carbon fiber is the 21st-century material of choice. Light yet incredibly strong, it is increasingly in demand – particularly in the form of composites deployed in aerospace, general engineering, energy technology and the automotive industry. Eisenmann has been supplying a growing customer base with oxidation ovens and exhaust air treatment systems since 2004. The Ruhstrat acquisition will allow Eisenmann to supply turnkey solutions for the entire production process. Generally, thermal methods are used to convert the white precursor into the black finished product, which can then be processed further. Eisenmann and Ruhstrat established a sales partnership a number of years ago. By pooling core competencies for carbon fiber production, significant synergy effects will be created in product development, sales and project management. Carbon fiber manufacturers are located not just in the USA and Japan, but also in BRIC countries. Eisenmann has subsidiaries in 12 countries – and over the last year, it has strengthened its presence in India and China. Ruhstrat has a workforce of 140 at its Bovenden-Lenglern facility. Their employment will continue after Ruhstrat joins the Eisenmann Group. Eisenmann will maintain the site at Bovenden-Lenglern, and will integrate it into its corporate group (12/2011).

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