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Herding GmbH Filtertechnik 

Hall A6.111

Safe and Sustainable Separation of Ceramic Dust Emissions 

Constantly advancing occupational health and safety plays a central role particularly in the production of technical ceramics, tableware ceramics, sanitary ceramics, tiles and heavy clay ceramics. 

Especially in production areas where carcinogenic fine quartz dust is emitted, the efficient collection and filtration of the resulting particle fractions is of crucial importance. The fineness of the mineral dusts to be separated combined with their abrasive properties place high demands on the filter technology used. The Herding® Sinter- Plate Filter has proven very high separation efficiency and unique wear resistance due to pure surface filtration, thus ensuring the required process reliability and effectiveness. 

Pure surface filtration 

In comparison to conventional filter systems, which are based on deep-bed filtration, the patented Herding® Sinter-Plate Filter enables pure surface filtration. This means that the filter medium has no tendency to irreversibly trap fine particles. Constant differential pressure behaviour and filtration-related wear reduced to a minimum lead to service lives of generally well over 15 years. These excellent properties enable the operator to directly increase his productivity. 

Clean air recirculation possible 

The respirable A dust content, also known as alveolar content, on the clean gas side of the Herding filter systems was verified by independent measurements in accordance with DIN EN 481. According to these measurements, the manufacturer’s filter systems with the original rigid Sinter-Plate Filters feature clean gas concentrations for fine quartz dust of less than 0,005 mg/m³. This confirms that Herding filter systems with the integrated Herding® Sinter-Plate Filter can be used for air circulation also in production areas with fine quartz dust emissions. The possibility of recirculating air and the related heat recovery through recirculation of the filtered exhaust air contribute significantly to increasing efficiency and saving energy. 

Global solutions 

One of Herding GmbH Filtertechnik’s guiding principles is to fulfil all requirements for the safest filtration technology by continuous further development and to set new standards time and time again. 

The principle of “everything from a single source” is guaranteed by the in-house production of system technology, filter elements and peripheral components. 

A high proportion of in-house production “Made in Germany”, solid quality mindset and continuous innovation are important cornerstones of the company. 

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