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DORST FlexCell16 – Fully Integrated Production System as the Key to Greater Efficiency and Higher Production Output

When it comes to the preparation and forming of technical ceramics, hard metals, iron powders andspecial materials, DORST Technologies/DE has always enjoyed an excellent reputation as a reliable andhighly competent partner. Production systems made in Kochel am See and Bad Kötzting have been settingstandards in terms of performance and quality for decades. Combined solutions consisting … Weiterlesen …

DORST Cross-Pressing Modules – X-pressTechnology for Near Net-Shape Powder Pressing

As far back as in 2005, DORST Technologies equipped the first axial powder press worldwide withsix servo-motorized cross-pressing modules – a development that would enable near net-shape pressingof entirely new part geometries. Major benefits of cross-pressing include the considerable saving ofmaterial and the specific side-compaction of surfaces as well as the fact that additional machining … Weiterlesen …

No Fear of Detail Work – Towards Intelligent Data Preparation

How do I find the right data, and how can I reduce the data volume so that the data can be processed quickly and usefully? The research project M@OK1 at the Technical University of Munich/DE is investigating these questions among other things. The project aims to find ways to increase the availability of production facilities … Weiterlesen …

Servo-Motorized Multi-Platen Press EP16 M Ultra-Digital

The new DORST Technologies EP16 M servo-motorized uniaxial powder press with an additional press level at the bottom opens up new possibilities for producing staged parts from metal powder, technical ceramics and tungsten carbide with maximum precision and performance.

Isostatic Press PI60/4 – the Next Generation

After a fundamental revision and diligent model care, DORST Technologies/DE presents the next generation of the proven, dry isostatic universal powder press PI60/4 for the production of rods, shafts, tubes, sleeves and balls made of technical ceramics, hard metal or other powdery materials.

Isostatic Cup Production

The DORST PHT200–RPT1 isostatic cup press (Fig. 1) has introduced radical change since its launch onto the market. The traditionally separate making of cup body and handle with subsequent attachment of the handle in a wide range of processes is replaced with a highly efficient process for making cups complete with their handle in a … Weiterlesen …