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SACMI-SAMA’s PCM Line – a Success for 20 Years

More than 200 pressure casting machines from the PCM range for tableware items have been soldaround the world by SACMI-SAMA. Of these, over 50 solutions are part of the new “GREEN series”, withwhich the SACMI Group has remade its mark on the market over the last five years, leading the way with itsfocus on efficiency … Weiterlesen …

The SACMI Data-Centric Smart Factory

Since the breakthrough with image-recognising deep neural networks, Artificial Intelligence (AI) hasproven to be highly successful in a wide range of applications. It has extended what could be achieved viatraditional machine learning techniques by leveraging the computational power of new chips and cloudinfrastructures, as well as new protocols and technologies for data exchange and storage. … Weiterlesen …

Understanding Powder Behaviour in Uniaxial Cold Compaction through the Data Recorded by the Press

This work is part of a large project started several years ago, aimed at using the data continuously recorded by a 200-t SACMI industrial press, without any additional device, to describe powder behaviour during uniaxial cold compaction. This innovative approach, through the accuracy and reliability of the data, allows highlighting the relationships between real compaction … Weiterlesen …

SACMI Group Chooses Verona as the Strategic Hub for the Heavy Clay Division

The new headquarters of Cosmec inaugurated in via Tommaso Alva Edison in Verona will bring together all the SACMI Group’s operations in the heavy clay sector. Verona’s City Councillor for Economic Affairs, Marco Ambrosini, was there at the ribbon cutting ceremony: “Hosting a company of solid international standing represents a huge opportunity for Verona.”