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Humic Substances as Additives in Ceramic Clays and Bodies

As part of a German ZIM Project (ZF4268907 AG7) dealing with the role of humic substances in ceramic clays, the effect of geogenic humic substances and humic substance additives on the processing proper­ties of ceramic clays was investigated.

It has been shown that of the products produced by Humintech GmbH/DE, particularly sodium humate, exhibits suitable properties. The achieved liquefaction of rheo­logical slurries is comparable with that obtained with commercially available liquefiers based on sodium and also on humate. In addition to the good liquefaction of ceramic raw materials and slurries, the cer­amic test specimens also exhibited increased dry bending strength, which could presumably be explained with the formation of stable clay­humus complexes. For better quality control, the new DIN EN ISO 19822 standard for the determination of humic fractions was tested and successfully established.

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