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Rapid Dry: the New Dryers Generation

The recent and uncontrolled increases in the price of methane have made the need to drastically reducethe consumption of thermal machines even more urgent. SE.TE.C.-Group/IT, which has always been at theforefront of innovation in the ceramic sector, in recent years has focused its attention on various solutionsaimed at saving energy; in particular, thanks to the … Weiterlesen …

Pre-Drying in the Production of Sanitaryware – KOHLER’s Experience

Drying is an important process in the production of sanitaryware, due to the critical issues related tothe process itself and to the importance of the physical time spent in the entire production cycle. Space,manpower for loading and unloading and handling of the ware trucks, parking buffers, time and energyrequired, all are critical and with the … Weiterlesen …

The Ceramic Division of Marcheluzzo Impianti

Marcheluzzo Impianti is since over three years active in the ceramic segment with a division dedicated to the sanitaryware sector. The Italian company is proposed in the market as reliable partner with a brand recognized worldwide due to its 45 years of experience and know-how in the field of heavy clay ceramics technology.